Application procedure
Researchers from universities or institutions of higher education or research institutes from Spanish or foreign centers wishing to carry out a research stay at the IRIE (UIB) as part of an investigation must refer to the Institute for Educational Research and Innovation (IRIE), the following documentation:
- Online application form
- Scanned copy of valid passport or identity document
The person concerned will be notified by email of the confirmation or refusal of the stay.
Acceptance, if any, will not entail any obligation of funding by the UIB or the IRIE.
Arrival at the UIB-IRIE:
I) Upon arrival, the researcher must contact the teacher with whom he/she is collaborating.
II) In addition, you must notify your arrival and incorporation at the UIB and present yourself at IRIE, located in the Guillem Cifre de Colonya building (Block C, second floor, room 210 - UIB Campus - This e-mail address is being protected from robots spam.Necessites Javascript enabled to view it.)
III) You will be assigned a physical space, and access to library, internet, mail, etc.