The Governing Council shall comprise the Vice-chancellor and four representatives from the UIB; the regional minister for Education and Universities and three representatives from the Department of Education and Universities (CEU); one representative from the regional government department with specific competence for research and development and the IRIE director, who acts in an advisory role.
The duties of the Governing Council are:
- Ratifying the agreements the IRIE may sign
- Approving the annual IRIE budget and accounts, presented by the director
- To approve the annual report of activities of the IRIE
- Ratifying the criteria regarding the dynamics of constituting research areas and groups, and awarding the status of IRIE researcher
- Approve, at the proposal of the IRIE Council, the amendments to the Regulations of the Institute
- Ratify the assignment or termination of researchers and groups of researchers proposed by the Institute Council. This approval of affiliation or termination requires an absolute majority of the Governing Council
- Periodically evaluate the research and teaching activities of the IRIE, using - if deemed appropriate - the help of external auditors, and apply its recommendations when deemed relevant.
- All the functions that the Statutes of the University assign to the governing councils of the university institutes, when these are applicable
- All other issues and incidents that affect the operation of the IRIE and that are not within the competence of the IRIE Council
Institució | Membre |
Universitat de les Illes Balears |
Jaume Carot Rector – membre nat – |
Víctor Homar Santaner Vicerector de Política Científica i Investigació |
Antoni Bordoy Fernández Vicerector de Personal Docent i Investigador |
Maurici Mus Amézquita Vicerector de Gestió i Política de Postgrau i Formació Permanent |
Marc Nadal Roberts Vicerector de Planificació Estratègica, Internacionalització i Cooperació |
Govern de les Illes Balears |
Antoni Vera Alemany Conseller d'Educació i Universitats – membre nat – |
Neus Riera Estarellas Direcció General de Primera Infància, Atenció a la Diversitat i Millora Educativa |
Sebastián Massanet Massanet Direcció General d'Universitats, Recerca i Ensenyaments Artísitics Superiors |
Eva Aguilar-Mediavilla Directora – membre nat – Secretària del Consell Rector |