Institute for Educational Research and Innovation (Irie)
III Conference on Research and Educational Innovation in the Balearic Islands
8 and 9 from November of 2019. Guillem Cifre de Colonya Building (UIB)
About the Observatory
The III Conference on Research and Educational Innovation of the Balearic Islands they are a meeting proposal of the main actors of the educational world of the Islands. They represent the consolidation of an event that, in a biennial way, facilitates the meeting between teachers of all educational stages and offers doctoral students the opportunity to exhibit their work.
The objectives of the III Conference on Research and Educational Innovation of the Balearic Islands are:
- On the one hand, to make the work of the IRIE available to the educational community. Present the Institute, show the current state of the initiatives developed as a group and, also, the latest research of the groups that make it up.
- This edition, dedicated to innovation and co-education, will highlight the Network of Co-educational Schools and some of the programs carried out by co-educational centers.
- And, as in other editions, the Conference aims to become a forum in which researchers enrolled in the two IRIE programs, the Doctorate in Education and the Doctorate in Educational Technology, have the opportunity to present the work done to an audience trained and interested in their doctoral theses, with whom they will be able to interact and obtain valuable information to continue the work.
The Days are aimed at
- Research staff from the competitive research groups of the IRIE, who will be able to display posters to make public the latest research and projects developed. They must be innovation or research projects funded by public calls, in progress or completed between 2016 and 2019. Likewise, all competitive groups will publish information on their composition and lines of research (this information will be provided by to be known through an institutional video).
- Research staff from the research groups associated with the IRIE, who will be able to display posters with information on the composition of the groups, the lines of research and, if they have them, the active projects.
- Students of the two doctorates of the IRIE: Doctorate in Education and Doctorate in Educational Technology. These people will be able to present written communications, which will then be presented orally, on the status of their doctoral theses.
- The whole educational community: students and teachers of all stages, parents' associations, management teams, etc. and all people interested in learning about current research in the world of education in our country.
The III Conference on Research and Educational Innovation of the Balearic Islands will take place on 8 and 9 November 2019, in the Guillem Cifre de Colonya building of the University of the Balearic Islands. They will include lectures, round tables, audiovisual presentations and poster presentations.
Organizing and scientific committee
Organizing committee
The staff of the Institute for Educational Research and Innovation of the University of the Balearic Islands (IRIE).
Scientific Committee
The scientific committee will be in charge of the review and acceptance of the scripts of the posters of the participants and, also, of the summaries of the doctoral theses. It will be made up of representatives of the research groups, the Doctorate in Educational Technology, the Doctorate in Education and, also, the IRIE management team.
- Dr. Jesús Salinas Ibáñez. Principal Investigator of the Childhood, Technology, Education and Diversity Group(GITED)
Director of the IRIE
Coordinator of the Doctorate in Educational Technology
- Dra. Esperança Bosch Fiol
Principal Investigator of the Gender Studies Group(GENDER)
Deputy Director of the IRIE
- Dr. Antonio Bordoy Fernandez
Collaborator of the Study Group on Culture, Society, Communication and Contemporary Thought(CSCP)
Secretary of the IRIE
- Dra. Eva Aguilar Mediavilla
Principal Investigator of Development, Education and Language Research Group(I + DEL)
Coordinator of the Doctorate in Education
- Dr. Francesca Salvà Mut
Member of Education and Citizenship Research Group(EiC)
- Dr. Maria Antonia Manassero Mas
Principal Investigator of the Science, Technology and Society Group. Didactics of Science(CTS_DC)
- Dr. Sebastià Serra Busquets
Principal Investigator of the Study Group on Culture, Society, Communication and Contemporary Thought(CSCP)
- Dr. Pere Palou Sampol
Principal Investigator of the Physical Activity and Sport Sciences Research Group(GICAFE)
- Dra. Maria Juan Garau
Principal Investigator of the Language, Literature and Learning Research Group(ILLA)
- Dr. Francisca Comas Rubí
Principal Investigator of the Education History Studies Group(GEDHE)
- Dr. Joan Jordi Muntaner Guasp
Member of Childhood, Technology, Education and Diversity Group(GITED)
- Dr. Victoria A. Ferrer Pérez
Member of Gender Studies Group(GENDER)
- Dra. Marta Jacob Escauriza
Principal Investigator of the Research group 4MAC-Tourism research and education (4MAC)
Friday, November 8, 2019 (plenary sessions) |
15.15 16 from a h |
Delivery of accreditations and documentation |
16 16.15 from a h |
Presentation of the Conference and general information Official presentation, with the presence of:
16 .20 h |
Presentation of the IRIE. Audiovisual Dr. Antoni Bordoy, secretary of the IRIE |
17 18.30 from a h |
Round table on educational innovation. Participants:
Moderator: Dra. Fina Pérez Group on Children, Technology, Education and Diversity (GITED) |
18.30 18.45 from a h |
18.50 20 from a h |
Actions in favor of co-education
Presented by: Dra. Francesca Salvà. Education and Citizenship Research Group |
Saturday, 9 of November of 2019 |
9.30 10.30 from a h |
Presentation of doctoral research lines –Simultaneous– A14 classroom. Doctorate in Educational Technology
Moderator: Dra. Fina Pérez. Childhood, Technology, Education and Diversity Group (GITED)
Classroom A15. Doctorate in Education
Moderator: Dra. Antonia Darder. Childhood, Technology, Education and Diversity Group (GITED)
Classroom A16. Doctorate in Education
Moderator: Miquel F. Oliver. Education and Citizenship Research Group (EiC) |
10.30 11 from a h |
Coffee Break Poster presentation
11 a.m. to 12.20:XNUMX p.m. |
Experiences in coeducational centers Plenary session. Aula magna
Presented by: Dr. Enrique Urbano. Gender Studies Group and head of the program Workshop to combat gender stereotypes and myths of romantic love in CAIB high school classrooms |
12.30 13.55 from a h |
Closing conference Plenary session. Aula magna The challenge of co-education: how to advance its implementation Dra. Marina Subirats Presented by: Dra. Esperanza Bosch, deputy director of the IRIE |
14 hores |
Official closing of the Conference Dr. Jesús Salinas, director of the IRIE |
Registration at III Conference on Research and Educational Innovation of the Balearic Islands it's free. Enrollments will be accepted in strict order of application, until the capacity of the room is completed.
Deadline for registration of posters and theses and presentation of abstracts: from 1 to 30 September 2019. The registration form for the abstracts of the posters requires the name and identity document of all persons responsible for the authorship of the document. These people will be registered for the Conference automatically and will not need to fill out any other registration form. The certification of the authorship of the posters will depend on this document. Authorships will only be certified to people who appear on the poster registration form.
Terms for individual registrations (for people who do not present posters or communications): from 1 to 25 October 2019. Full capacity!
To formalize the registration it is necessary to fill in the form that will be available on the web page of the Conference.
People registered and attending the Conference may obtain different certificates, depending on the type of participation:
- IRIE research staff who have submitted posters, as well as doctoral students who submit their research will receive a certificate accrediting this.
- All people registered and who have attended a minimum of 80% of the total Conference will receive a certificate of attendance, signed by the secretary of the Institute for Educational Research and Innovation.
- The teaching staff of non-university educational centers in the Balearic Islands will be processed for the application for recognition of Continuing Teacher Training credits by the Ministry of Education and University of the Balearic Islands.
Posters presented