Title |
"Teaching talent management in Spain: a measurement tool" |
Author |
Nathalie Lietchi Garcia |
Doctoral Program | Doctorate in Education |
Directors |
Dr. Jaume Sureda Negre Dr. Miquel F. Oliver Trobat Dr. Alberto J. Sesé Abad |
Date of defense | October 14, 2022 |
Abstract |
Teaching Talent Management (GTD) is a systematic process of managing the potential of teaching staff and is considered in the literature as a key factor for successful development in educational organizations. The aim of this thesis is to develop and validate a new psychometric tool on GTD: the Test for the Evaluation of GTD (TEGTD) - acronym in Spanish-. The GTD can contribute to catalyzing social justice in favor of the teaching staff, because it can make evident the emergence of talents within the centers, so having a psychometric tool like the TEGTD, capable of obtaining reliable and valid measures of the construct , can contribute in a relevant way to the promotion of the improvement of the management of teaching talent and can generate greater satisfaction among this staff. The diagnostic capacity makes it possible to detect deficient management areas, the improvement of which can lead to a more sustainable institutional performance of the centers, and can also lead to an increase in the quality of educational action on students. Keywords: Teaching talent; educational management; educational leadership; social justice; psychometric test; regulatory framework |